2024 Tweed Stampede Campsite Registration

By The Initiative Group (other events)

Fri, Aug 30 2024 1:00 PM EDT Mon, Sep 2 2024 1:00 PM EDT


*All Tickets are Price + Fees (13% HST & Service Charge is included in Fees Shown).

Never let it be said that the Tweed Stampede and Jamboree (TS&J) is happy to simply rest on its’ laurels. The announcements this season have been coming fast and furious – generating more than a fair share of excitement. If rodeo is your thing then you can expect 3 great days of excitement back to back! Tweed recently became the destination event for not only the equine enthusistes, but Canadian Country Music Fans! This year we have Canada's Top Artists! Take full advantage of the long weekend and all happening with great value and entertainment the Tweed Stampede is the place to be this Thanksgiving Weekend!.

The campground gates will for you to set up your site beginning Wednesday. The gates will open at 9 am and close at 10:00 pm Wednesday - Saturday, and open at 8 am and close at 9 pm on Sunday; there will be no access any earlier. All vehicles not processed by 10pm will be required to park in the processing lanes until the gates reopen in the morning. 

All vehicles will be subject to search upon arrival.

Campsites are sold and assigned on a first come, first serve basis, and are based on double occupancy. Thus for every 2 valid weekend admissions purchased, you may purchase one campsite. Camping stickers must be placed on the vehicle pulling the camping unit. Should you have a second vehicle, use the second camping sticker provided. There are no serviced sites.

Please keep the campround roads and driving lanes clear for emergency vehicle access at all times.

Some campsites may be unlevel, please bring and home your own blocking for safe leveling.

TS&J takes pride in our image! Please keep your campsites clean and maintained, failure to do so will result in a $300 clean up fee charged to the campsite holders credit card
and/or eviction from festival sites and venues.
For your convenience showers, portable toilets, and non-potable water stations are available throughout the campground.
Generators will be allowed to operate between 8:00am and Midnight. If your generator makes excessive noise or creates fumes you will be asked not to use it. We understand some people have health related issues that require generators to run all night. In fairness to other campers, these generators must be of the “whisper quiet” make and not disturb other campers. Any non-compliance will result in eviction without refund.
TS&J is not an ideal weekend for your pets and they may be happier at home. If you do choose to bring your pet they must remain at your campsite, leashed and attended to at all times.
A complimentary shuttle service is available to get you around the campground area. 

The Stampede grounds (including campgrounds) is a “closed site”. Therefore, appropriate wristbands must be worn at all times beyond the checkpoint areas.



Campground Rules

There are a maximum of 6 people allowed per site, a camping unit, and a second vehicle. A camping unit will be defined as: 1) A Truck & Trailer, 2) A Motorhome, 3) a Car w/ a maximum of 3 tents.  Campsites are based on double occupany, thus for every two (2) 3-Day Passes purchased, you may purchase one campsite.
The fee charged for camping is for the campsite for the entire weekend, and not per person staying in the site.  Maximum of 6 persons allowed per site.
Camping stalls are 20' wide and 40' long approx. Some will be Larger.
Camping stickers must be placed on the motor vehicle belonging to the camping unit.
Lost or stolen camping / vehicle stickers will not be replaced.
Only one second vehicle sticker will be issued per paid stall.
All Vehicles will be subject to search upon entering the Grounds. All campground occupants must wear a 3-Day Wristband. Single day attendees will not be permitted in any camping areas..
Camping areas must be kept clean and maintained. Each camp site not cleaned up properly at the end of the event will be charged a $300 clean up fee to the site holders credit card. Tweed Stampede & Jamboree has the right to remove any persons not adhering to this.
Only light-weight passenger vehicles and camping units will be allowed in the campgrounds.
Any misuse or violation with a motor vehicle is prohibited.
Non-approved vendors are prohibited on the grounds or in the campsite area.
Pets are to remain on a leash and in your immediate campsite area. Absolutely no pets in Rodeo Grounds due to volume of ppl and horses, the Beer Gardens or the Main Stage Concert Bowl. Trudeau's Resort 1709882 Ontario Inc will not be held responsible for any injuries or damages your pet may cause to others and their property. You must clean up after your pets.
Camping units and vehicles must not park in fire lanes. Fire lanes must remain clear at all times. Camping units must not form circles or close in camping areas due to fire regulations. If fire lanes are found to be blocked, The Tweed Stampede has the right to have the vehicle towed at the owners expense.
BBQ’s and camp stoves are welcome but fires are may NOT permitted due to dry weather conditions.
*Fireworks are strickly prohibited due to the volume of live animals onsite and in camping area. There is a fireworks display Saturday night in the concert area.
Alcoholic beverages are allowed to be consumed in own camping area only. Alcohol consumption is prohibited on any roadways. The rodeo grandstands and concert bowl are Licenced by the AGCO and it is illegal to bring your own alcohol into these area's, alcohol will be available for purchase from the beer tents.
All-terrain vehicles, golf carts, mopeds and dirt bikes are prohibited.
Glass bottles are not allowed and will be confiscated at gate and not returned.
Due to pedestrian traffic in the campground we ask that all vehicles in the campground be operated in an orderly manner and that vehicle traffic be kept to a minimum. After dark - traffic limited to emergency vehicles only.
No structures of any kind.
No household furniture.
Hot tubs are acceptable providing they are secured by a snow fence and used in a reasonable fashion.
Intense loud stereo equipment is prohibited at all times. A reasonable noise level as to not disturb your neighbours is acceptable.


Tweed Stampede and Jamboree (1709882 Ontario Inc.). is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged goods. All articles are left at the risk of the owner. Please keep anything of value locked up at your Campsite during the event.

Grounds for Eviction
Rowdy Behaviour
Messy Campsite ($300 Clean Up Fee will be applied to site holder)
Not visibly wearing “3-Day Wristband” in Campground
Misuse of a Vehicle
Tampering or Removal of Staked Flags in Campground

Noise Curfew
Curfew of 1am will be in effect. Beyond these times we ask that you respect your neighbors by having a minimal noise level.